AWCON'97 - Pictures - AWulf's CMC Book
Humour - Musings and Stories - Stunt Gallery

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Grr, Wheel Chock
On the left and middle: Grrr at his day job and sporting the ultimate in sunglass fashion. On the right: KKEN.

Modas, Orion, Boa, B
On the left: considering a refreshing swim. On the right: , , and B in San Francisco. 

Cutts at AWCON 2000
Cutthroats at AWCON 2000.  From the left: Marco, Soca, Modas, MiG

Cobra, Sassy Red, Datso
Capn' Mike in his flight suit, Capn' Mike in his favorite state, Capn' Mike in the front office.

Grr, Wheel Chock
Capn' Mike contemplates yet another successful landing.

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Cutthroats, send in your photos.